when i was googleing the google map...i search for satelite image of South Pole...and something that make me curious is on that terrain there is a blank white spot....n also i can't see terrain image on that spot...n i wonder it's just same situation as i look on south korea territory...anybody from CIA/FBI/OBAMA can explain anything what is going on?Anything that u guys do on that site?dude,tooo obvious...daaa
The average woman would rather have beauty than brains, because the average man can see better than he can think.
Sunday, June 26, 2011
South Pole mystery
when i was googleing the google map...i search for satelite image of South Pole...and something that make me curious is on that terrain there is a blank white spot....n also i can't see terrain image on that spot...n i wonder it's just same situation as i look on south korea territory...anybody from CIA/FBI/OBAMA can explain anything what is going on?Anything that u guys do on that site?dude,tooo obvious...daaa
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Malaysia team vs Lebanese
The first scorer of the match is a player with jersey of number 7 (Aidil Zafuan Abd Razak) and the second scorer is Wan Zek Haikal who scored a wonderful goal...and I think that his goal is a world class,similar to that match between Barca and Man United (Final of UEFA Champs League 2011).
It is a high hope of flying colours that,for next round, Malaysia will be able to stand tough and keep fighting, never give up..show that we could also produce a world class of masterpiece to the rest of the world...
Monday, June 20, 2011
Ryan Dunn Died,jackass member
"Jackass" star Ryan Dunn, who along with his cast mates made Americans cringe and snicker through vulgar stunts in their multimillion-dollar TV and movie franchise, was killed early Monday in a fiery car crash. He was 34.
Dunn, a daredevil who gained notoriety for diving into a sewage tank and performing other unsavory stunts, was driving his 2007 Porsche in suburban Philadelphia when it careered off the road, flipped over a guardrail and crashed into the woods before bursting into flames. A passenger was also killed, and speed may have been a factor in the crash, West Goshen Township police said.
The force of impact shattered the vehicle into several twisted and blackened pieces, leaving the Porsche 911 GT3 unrecognizable except for a door that was thrown from the crash and not incinerated. A 100-foot-long tire skid marked where the car left the roadway.
Both Dunn and his passenger were severely burned. Police said they were able to identify Dunn through his tattoos and hair, but the identity of his passenger was still unknown.
Dunn appeared on MTV shows "Jackass" and "Viva La Bam" and the three "Jackass" big-screen adaptations. He also was the star of his own MTV show, "Homewrecker," and just began hosting the show "Proving Ground" on the G4.
Saturday, June 18, 2011
PLANKING: Malaysia
New phenomena has been hit Malaysia, when planking activity started to grow everywhere in malaysia.....
Come on guys n gurls....Do Planking
But, Make sure it safe and secure...
Think Hard before you do it......
come on!and make it bigger phenomena in Malaysia
But,Do it Safe!
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Planking Disaster
1. Acton Beale, age 20
Man died shortly after he feel from his balcony at 7th floor...
He has tragically lost his footing and fallen to the ground below...
paramedic spent 20 minute before he died short time later...
2. Unknown
a man was charged in Gladstone for trespassing on police property when he "planked" across the back of a police car.
3. Simon Hallam
3. Simon Hallam
life has been lost because of this! Think of what could happen if it went wrong. Don't be stupid ... think before you do this
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Tour JB 4!!! ( Part 4 )
Aku: Memang seat terbaik lah bro...(salam tangan)
Bro A: sambut salam
G: seat sedap kan ( senyum)
Aku: angguk2
Budak C: bang.....
p/s: sambungan bila aku sampai Pahang nant....
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Tour In JB!! (PART 3)
Ape pulak yang berlaku nie?KL Gangster mungkin ditarik balik tayangannya....ikuti aper yang berlaku....di bawah....
xkan la sebab sebuah cerita sampai nak tarik balik...cuba tengok di youtube..berapa banyak video yang memaparkan video berkenaan "isyarat tangan"...kenapa xdisekat jugak video yang dah berzaman ada di site tu?
xfham lah....
klik link nie sebagai bukti:http:
fikir dan nilai kan lah...
salam semua....

Ape pulak yang berlaku nie?KL Gangster mungkin ditarik balik tayangannya....ikuti aper yang berlaku....di bawah....
xkan la sebab sebuah cerita sampai nak tarik balik...cuba tengok di youtube..berapa banyak video yang memaparkan video berkenaan "isyarat tangan"...kenapa xdisekat jugak video yang dah berzaman ada di site tu?
xfham lah....
klik link nie sebagai bukti:http:
fikir dan nilai kan lah...
salam semua....
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Tour In Jb!! ( part 2 )
Hari ke-dua
Lepas duk berborak ngn bahasa asing, kami p bergambar jap...bersama supervisor mereka...), then solat berjemaah bersama...
petang nanti nak berfoya2 di JB (haha) nak p tgk KL Gangster...dri review ramai depa kata cita tue sedap...xtau la ....kita tunggu dan lihat:)
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Prof Azmer Azzar,Prof Yilmaz Kaya,Prof Fahrulzaman( mr supervisor), Prof Ismaila dan Aku...)) |
Pagi2 bangun bersiap trus menuju ke Utm, skudai...sbb bro azmer ade kerja lab...aku ngn kamera DSLR ak memang bersiap sedia nak amek gmbar keliling Utm... sampai2 p cari tempat breakfast dahulu kemudian bergerak ke Perpustakaan Sultanah Zanariah ( PSZ)...kebetulan ada pameran sejarah berkenaan dengan perubahan bandar JB antara tahun 80-an dengan sekarang...rupa2 nya xbanyak sangat kedudukan bangunan di JB yang berubah tempat, cuma yang membezakan antara dahulu dan sekarang adalah bangunan yang lebih besar berbanding dahulu...Contohnya sejak tahun 80-an Bangunan OCBC Bank dah lama berada pada posisinya sekarang, cuma seni bina nya yang lebih 'up-to-date'....
Kebetulan semasa di library tadi YIlmas ada bersama,jadi kami ajak dia bersama dengan ismaila 'join in' lunch...bila sampai supervisor phd depa pun ada bersama di tempat makan...so aku duk la sekali ngn golongan super educated ni....huhu....Lepas duk berborak ngn bahasa asing, kami p bergambar jap...bersama supervisor mereka...), then solat berjemaah bersama...
petang nanti nak berfoya2 di JB (haha) nak p tgk KL Gangster...dri review ramai depa kata cita tue sedap...xtau la ....kita tunggu dan lihat:)
Tour In JB! (part 1)
Semalam aku selamat sampai di JB...perjalanan aku selama 8 jam agak memenatkan sebab aku dah 2 tahun tak pergi jb selepas habis degree ari tue......perjalanan agak membosankan sebab penumpang xramai so, aku banyak tido jer sepanjang perjalanan( memang kerja aku) haha...bus macam biasa berhenti kat Sri Putri dalam kul 6.30 dengan cuaca yang lembap(sbb bru lepas hujan)..
aku dijemput oleh Bro Azmeer...laki paling macho di muka bumi ini..dengan kereta Honda Insight hitam yang baru diambil sebulan lepas( macho la lu mamat!) haha
Lepas rehat kejap kat rumah bro azmeer kami p jalan2 dalam UTM...aku lak follow jer sebab akau memang nak tengok suasana Utm di waktu malam....ader la beberapa perubahan dalam UTM nie...macam Fakulti Alam Bina dah berubah...dulu masih dalam pembinaan masa aku habis belajar hari tue...tapi sekarang main building depa dah tersergam indah..
Duk seronok usha kawasan sekeliling aku pun sampai ke blok k22 dlu aku duduk di blok k11 Kolej Tun Razak selama 4 tahun..aku pun tak tahu bro azmeer nak bawak ke mana aku nie...aku follow jer...macam saleh yaacob ckap ' i follow'...haha
rupa-rupanya disebabkan sekarang cuti semester..pelajar asing akan ditempatkan di kolej dalam...jadi aku pun berkenalan dengan kawan dari Turki dan Nigeria... Iaitu Ismaila( 40++age) Ilmas(26++ age) dan mereka berdua pelajar phd bersama2 bro azmerr..aku lak tahun depan kot...borak ngan dowang memeang seronok...sampai xsedaq dah kul 12.30 mlm...disebabkan mata aku ngn bro azmeer nie dah berat dan mula nak merah,aku minta diri dulu la...
balik jer masing2 dah terbongkang atas katil...
balik jer masing2 dah terbongkang atas katil...
joe flizzow-kongsi
"tak guna jadi gangster,
kalau tiada wang,
gua tetap di jalanan
tapi gua usahawan"
" tangkap orang melalak,
tangkap budak berlagak,
tangkap mulut berbuih
berbual lepas cakap"
p/s: shhhhhhh......
Monday, June 6, 2011
"The wind is a natural way to loosen and release dead leaves and branches, just as emotional and life-situation storms are opportunities for humans to release 'deadwood' and anything needing to be swept away."
“There comes a time when you have to stand up and shout:
This is me damn it! I look the way I look, think the way I think, feel the way I feel, love the way I love! I am a whole complex package. Take me... or leave me. Accept me - or walk away! Do not try to make me feel like less of a person, just because I don't fit your idea of who I should be and don't try to change me to fit your mold. If I need to change, I alonewill make that decision.
This is me damn it! I look the way I look, think the way I think, feel the way I feel, love the way I love! I am a whole complex package. Take me... or leave me. Accept me - or walk away! Do not try to make me feel like less of a person, just because I don't fit your idea of who I should be and don't try to change me to fit your mold. If I need to change, I alonewill make that decision.
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Friday, June 3, 2011
Best Quotes Ever
Ideal teachers are those who use themselves as bridges over which they invite their students to cross, then having facilitated their crossing, joyfully collapse, encouraging them to create bridges of their own." -- Nikos Kazantzakis
"Learning is finding out what we already know. Doing is demonstrating that you know it. Teaching is reminding others that they know just as well as you. You are all learners, doers, and teachers." -- Richard Bach
"A teacher who can arouse a feeling for one single good action, for one single good poem, accomplishes more than he who fills our memory with rows and rows of natural objects, classified with name and form." -- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
"Thought flows in terms of stories -- stories about events, stories about people, and stories about intentions and achievements. The best teachers are the best storytellers. We learn in the form of stories." -- Frank Smith
"Treat people as if they were what they ought to be and you help them become what they are capable of becoming." -- Goethe
Helen Keller
"Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement, nothing can be done without hope and confidence." -- Helen Keller
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Going For Holiday!!!!
Tomorrow I can start a new holiday, after relentless marking examination papers.
all sorts of things in my head when thinking about the performance of my students in the Mid-Year Exam recently...
For next class after the holiday i will apply few new method in my class such as:
1) Question based teaching
2) Short Notes
3) Last year exam question
p / s: hope all my student will end their study with flying colour....
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